You may have noticed a new kid on the block before Christmas, and no, it’s not Jimmy from down the road. Both Drifting in a Dream and Falling in Flames are now available in hardback! Yes, you can now read it on Kindle, in paperback or hardback.
When it comes to book formats, I generally prefer to read fiction as a hard copy whether it’s paperback or hardback, purely because I already spend too much time looking at screens. Of course, this means I have many books and very little space, as I’m sure you will understand.
I did go through a stage many years ago (I was young and innocent) when I got rid of many of my childhood books in the name of space. Yes, I do regret this deeply. No, the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books survived. Irritatingly, I got rid of my Young James Bond book and the few Chronicles of Narnia books I had, along with Blart: The Boy Who Didn’t Want to Save the World and Groosham Grange. Maybe I was possessed. There can be no explanation for this insanity.
Anyway, I’m not likely to make this mistake again so my shelves are once again brimming with books and I’ve noticed a good variation in paperbacks and hardbacks. My strong preference is to continue with whichever format I start with. If I start a series in paperback, they should all be paperback and vice versa. I have a couple of books that break this rule (gifts, generally) but I’ve also noticed a lot of authors release different formats separately. Why is the paperback coming months later when I have a paperback collection?
I realise and accept the hypocrisy of this blog post. I honestly meant to do the hardbacks sooner, I promise…
Well, never fear! I’m hoping to release the remaining books in the series in all formats at the same time. You’ll notice the Hardback covers are different from Kindle and Paperback and I will continue to maintain the separate styles. It was tempting to keep all of the covers the same but I always liked seeing different covers between paperback and hardback, and designing it was a perfect excuse to procrastinate test my design skills.
Here are the sets for your consideration. Let me know what you think!

Like what you see? You can get the hardback version of Drifting in a Dream here and Falling in Flames here.
Happy reading!