Love fantasy books? Get ready for your next favourite YA book series.

The Power Wielder Book Series

Drifting in a Dream Mockup
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The Author

I'm a British author based in the North West UK and I published my first book, Drifting in a Dream in 2021. Since then, I've published a second book in the Power Wielders series and I'm currently working on a third instalment as well as a new series. Reading has always been my favourite form of escapism and writing seemed a natural extension of that, albeit with less relaxation and more stress. Nevertheless, I am determined to share my imagined worlds so that you might escape your real one.

As well as writing I love digital art and enjoy experimenting with Affinity Designer. For better or worse (hopefully better), I did my own book covers!

I'm happy to have you along for the ride! You can keep up with the latest on my website or social media. Who knows when the next blog post will appear? It's a game of chance you don't want to miss.

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